"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with you demons will cause your angels to sing. Use pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength" - August Wilson

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Slipping Down The Slippery Slope

Yeah so i thought the post title was rather amusing, but that just kinda me being the weird kid that i am, but this post is actually about how easy it is to slip back into old habbits. And even though i go in and out and my low phases, its simple though - like you can wake up feeling in a good mood and just a simple unsult or action towards you can simple ruin your day, and you get in to that mood where everything that happens just brings you down and makes you feel worse

so by the time you get home and you're on your own thoughts start to turn dark as there's noone there to tell you others wise and it can be simple to slip in to the routine of selfharming, i know cause it still happens to me - BUT you know what? i've started thinking about it differently, everytime someone insults me i think of it as a way to improve myself, like all those times people called me fat, yeah i've completely changed my diet and started running alot which means that i'm losing weight and every day i'm starting to feel better about myself and my confidence is coming back slowly.

i'm not saying that i'll never self harm again, because i can't see that there wont be times in life when i can't help myself, but when i get down i'll go to a mates house or something for the night, just to have the company and help me forget whats happened,

Don't try to do it alone, because there's others out there like you that will give you the support you need

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